For Oracle Server Enterprise Edition 9x-10x
Creating a recovery catalog for RMAN
Server A - Target database (PROD)
Server B - Recovery Catalog database (catdb)
General settings:
1. RDBMS version and OS version should be same in Server A and Server B.
2. Server A and B should ping each other. Check each other entries in /etc/hosts file.
3. Copy the tnsname.ora entry (server A) add it in server B tnsname.ora entry and vice versa.
Step -1: Create password file on target DB (server A)
$orapwd file=orapwORACLE_SID (filename) password=password
Eg: - $orapwd file=orapwPROD password=rolta2k
(oracle password file default file location is $ORACLE_HOME/dbs)
Add parameter remote_login_passwordfile=EXCLUSIVE in server A initSID.ora
And bounce the database once.
After done this settings you should be able to connect the remotely
Eg: - From Server B just execute, and vice versa.
$sqlplus sys/sys@PROD as sysdba
Step - 2: Create tablespace for recovery catalog to store the target (server A) database information.
Connect to catalog DB Server B where you we need to configure the recovery catalog.
$sqlplus “/as sysdba”
sql>CREATE TABLESPACE rmanDATAFILE '/u02/app/oradata/rman/rman01.dbf' size 500m;
Step - 3: Create the Recovery Catalog Owner in the new database (CATDB)
Step – 4: Grant the necessary privileges to the schema ownersql> GRANT connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner TO rman;Here the role \"RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER\" provides the user with all privileges required to maintain and query the recovery catalog
Step – 5:Creating the Recovery CatalogConnect to the Server -B which will contain the catalog as the catalog owner. $ rman catalog rman/passwd@catdb
Eg: - $rman catalog rman/rman@UAT04
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Feb 25 16:00:46 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to recovery catalog database
Step – 6: Run the CREATE CATALOG command to create the catalog
RMAN> CREATE CATALOG;recovery catalog created
Step – 7: Registering Target Database in the Recovery CatalogConnect to the target (Server A) database and recovery catalog database (Server B).
$ rman target sys/passwd@prod catalog rman/passwd@catdb
Eg: - $rman target sys/sys@NPROD catalog rman/rman@UAT04
Then, register the target database in recovery catalog
Then, to identify whether has registered properly, execute the below command
It will show the target database (Server A) datafile paths.
Eg: -
Report of database schema
List of Permanent Datafiles
File Size(MB) Tablespace RB segs Datafile Name
---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------
1 1000 SYSTEM YES /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/system01.dbf
2 1000 SYSTEM YES /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/system02.dbf
3 1000 SYSTEM YES /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/system03.dbf
4 1000 SYSTEM YES /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/system04.dbf
5 1000 SYSTEM YES /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/system05.dbf
6 200 CTXD NO /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/ctxd01.dbf
7 10 OWAPUB NO /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/owad01.dbf
8 1000 APPS_TS_QUEUES NO /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/a_queue02.dbf
9 100 ODM NO /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/odm.dbf
10 17 OLAP NO /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/olap.dbf
11 2000 SYSAUX NO /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/sysaux01.dbf
12 500 APPS_TS_TOOLS NO /uat01/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/apps_ts_tools01.dbf
13 1615 SYSTEM YES
For additional reference:
Metalink Doc ID: 360416.1
Subject: Oracle10g - Getting Started with Recovery Manager (RMAN)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Creating a recovery catalog for RMAN
Posted by V.R.Kishore Reddy at 06:39